GREEDY PEOPLE UNITE! Within this generation, and with very little effort, together we can surely destroy every last vestige of mankind on this planet. Or...
To be conceived naturally, a human baby must have a mother and a father. Conception - the continuation of the human species at the biological level - depends on cooperative effort - the most primitive form of social interaction. The parents must place the welfare of the baby first - above there own. That defines the natural paradigm of nature's requirements for the continuation of humankind. It also defines the natural paradigm known as altruism designer handbags discount.
Altruism is the antithesis of greed. Humankind is innately set up in a lose/lose situation. Just as without altruism humanity perishes, with greed, humanity also perishes. Greed is a natural, inborn, human characteristic that resides in the most powerful part of the mind. Our 'prime directive' is to stay alive and that means having everything we need. The Deep Mind makes no differentiation between 'enough' and 'everything'. Its motto seems to be, "handbags discount a little is good, a lot is bound to be better." In its overriding quest to preserve the individual, the human mind seems to be oblivious to the necessary social milieu in which it has to live and function. It literally can't see beyond the end of its nose.
Altruism is a learned characteristic* which is best acquired by consistently experiencing altruistic models (parents, siblings, teachers, acquaintances, role models, etc.). designer handbagsAltruism restricts and controls greed. Without the ability to appropriately temper and rein in the humans' innate drive to base ones existence on greed, greed runs rampant - carelessly and illogically ignoring the necessity for social cooperation. (The Deep Mind does not - cannot - act according to logic.) Greed feeds the natural competitive spirit which, when taken to an extreme, will destroy the human species. (There can only ever be one who is best. Everybody else is to a greater or lesser extent a loser. On the other hand, everybody can shine as a cooperator.)
Punishment for (of) greedy acts can suppress them (so long as the likelihood of being caught remains high) but punishment can never replace greed with altruism - the essential trait being posited here designer handbags cheap.