
Brand Name Bags-The Simple Truth

For more than half a century The U.S. Government has engaged in the forced desegregation of the American population in nearly every aspect of their day to day lives. The multiracial message is omnipresent in American government, education, and media. The message is unequivocal, if you do not embrace the utopian multiracial state that the liberals have envisioned for you then; a) your thought processes must be flawed through fear or ignorance (or maybe your daddy was brand name bags, and b) you could be branded a racist yourself. Racist is of course the gravest of all accusations and has quickly ended countless careers in and out of the public eye.
Yet the harmonious existence prescribed for the American people still seems to elude us. After 46 years of affirmative action, forced busing, welfare, food stamps, tuition programs, and the like; the poverty rate in the U.S. is 0.3% higher than it was when President Johnson embarked the nation on those entitlement programs. Now we are seeing further escalation of racial tensions as the U.S. can no longer afford the entitlement programs and events such as "flash mobs" and the U.K. riots highlight these underlying tensions bags wholesale.
So what is the answer? How do you make sense of it all? The answer is so simple, it makes sense of the three ring circus precipitated by decades of liberal social policy, and you won't hear it from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Sean Hannity. The main tenet of liberal social policy and philosophy is a fallacy. The fallacy is that all races and cultures are exactly the same; hence, according to liberal philosophy, all races should live together and interact as though race did not exist. This could not be further from the truth as brand name bags saleis engrained in human nature itself to do just the opposite, for if it weren't, the various races and cultures of the world would not exist today or perhaps never have existed at all. The Attorney General of The U.S. Eric Holder show his lack of insight when he called America a "nation of cowards" referring to the fact that we "self-segregate" during our leisure time. We are not a nation of cowards; we are a nation of humans doing what is in our nature brand name bags wholesale.
What the liberals don't realize (or don't want you to know) is that different races and cultures traditionally had their own countries, not because of mean spirited racism, but so they could live their lives with the freedom of not having to worry about accommodating or offending every other (or any other) race and culture on the planet. Indeed how can anything ever be achieved by any race when has been made impossible for them to pull on the same rope. They can't own their own successes or failures. This is not freedom, indeed it is the antithesis of self-determination bags wholesale online.

