The government and private organizations award hundreds of billions of dollars in grants each year. It's tempting to believe that if you just fill out the right paperwork, christian louboutin-pumps-outletwill surely be able to get a piece of that pie. In fact, the game of finding and winning grants is highly competitive.
christian louboutin outlet of your experience you need a strong competitive advantage to stay ahead. Use these 7 Top Tips to develop and maintain a winning edge:
Know Why You Are. Grant makers have very specific goals in awarding money to grant seekers. Your purpose must match those goals, and you must demonstrate that match convincingly. If you simply manipulate your situation to fit a potential grant just to get the money, grant makers will see right through you. You must be genuinely purpose-driven, and that must be obvious in the information you communicate both through discussion and examples. Christian outlet
Know What You Are. That may sound very basic, especially in terms of an organization (e.g. not-for-profit, local education agency, advocacy group), but many grant applications are immediately rejected because the seeker isn't qualified to apply. Some grant makers put that number at as much as 90% of all applicants! Pay strict attention to the specific terms used to describe eligible candidates and make sure you are a match before you invest time and energy in completing an application.
Know Who You Are... and be able to communicate it with current, complete information. Ideally, create a system for constantly gathering and updating information and examples regarding what you do, how you use your existing resources, and what you are good at. Whenever possible, collect objective data and statistics that back up your statements. You might leap ahead of the competition if you don't have to scramble to pull material together when you find a promising grant opportunityPumps outlet.