I recently viewed a nice video of a senior woman leader (CxO) at some conference which I presume would be one of those which speak issues pertaining to 'diversity' and gender bias at workplaces. No doubt what she was saying made lot of sense and most of brand name bags seems very true in the corporate world- but then again somewhere the cynic in me leads me to ponder if this too, is not an overrated marketing gimmick.
The adage in Bollywood goes that sex sells, I think in the modern day corporate world it would be synonymous to buzz around "diversity on workforce". It's amazing how the word diverse encompasses all kinds of 'have-nots': women, ethnic races, physically challenged, economically disadvantaged etc all... Somehow by the very fact that all of this is categorized under one rather large stroke is by itself an indication (and if I dare say, stereotyping) of the level of 'empowerment' women need bags wholesale.
As a woman I often ask myself if I really need to be handled by kid-gloves and goaded to perform and/or succeed. Do I really need to be externally pushed/supported /hailed to excel in my chosen forte? Does the answer lie in itself or does it lie in our socio-societal dynamics? It's paradoxical that women, often heralded for their mental strength need external stimuli/motivation to do well 'professionally'. Are we not, by the constant hype around special empowerment defeating the very cause? Do we really need a revolution to help us champion our individual causes/goals brand name bags sale?
I don't. All we need is a little more conviction in ourselves along with lower expectation and yardsticks of success we set ourselves. The moot of the problem in the so called glass ceiling is not because men resists- (they will resist any specie/individual better than them) but it's because we want brand name bags wholesale all- indulgence without guilt, success without failure, recognition without retribution- we want it all. Sacrifice is a the first S of success and every successful individual forgoes something important/dear to success- so why burden the price of success with gender equality (inequality) - Why should some of us expect people to notice/appreciate and say 'she did it inspite of being a woman' - which I believe is singularly the most offensive thing anyone can say to any woman. Being a woman is challenging (and am sure being a man would have its challenges) but it definitely is not a handicap!! bags wholesale online