
Brand Handbags-Lessons From My Mom

A great breakthrough of my life! Before becoming a Coach, I wouldn't connect deeply with my mom. I couldn't bring myself to share my feelings with her. In fact, we wouldn't talk about feelings in my family cheap brand handbags.
After having attended Money & You Program (a transformational program), done a few Breathwork sessions (a healing process) and many other self-discovery programs; I'd always wanted to connect with my parents at a deeper level. Or, at least to verbally express my appreciation towards them. But I never had the courage to do brand handbags. I never thought that the act of appreciation actually existed in my family.
From these personal development program programs, I discovered that my upbringing had an immense amount of influence on  my behaviours, thoughts and beliefs. Thus, resulting in what I am today and the results I got in life!
Vividly recalling a family gathering when I was 12, my younger cousin fell and bursted in tears. My mom immediately accused me of pushing him. I was soaked in anger, and walked away without explaining myself. This incident has led to me  reacting furiously when I was being accused.
All these years, I've been living with the impact of this incident. In spite of this, I'd never blamed my Mum for cheap handbags. I knew she had brought me up with the best she could, and that she does loves me and accepts me for who I am. I also knew that I should have cleared this up with her, and bring about a completion. But I never did. My life coach encouraged me to do so, and held me accountable in this.  I agreed!
And, of course, I did not do cheap handbags online again! I shunned!
A week later, I spoke with my Coach. No reprimands. Instead, with profuse compassion, she got me to commit in completing this "assignment" by the next day. I knew I could delay no more.
The next day, I stood in front of my Mum dumb-founded. I did not know how to start the conversation. I then mustered the courage to let out my first word handbags store.

