
Handbags Store-The Rice Experiment

Does our intention matter? Does our attention towards something make a difference? Can we change the outcome of something through using our thoughts and intentions?
Some time ago, I began researching the work of Dr. Emoto and his findings with water. He discovered that water molecules would arrange themselves differently, depending on what emotions the water was exposed to. This is quite remarkable. Water is affected by human emotion and intention. Later cheap brand handbags, I also discovered that many people had taken this to the next level. They boiled up some rice and then divided the rice up in sealed containers. They then proceeded for a month or more to give some positive intention to one container, negative intention to another, and ignore one completely. The outcome was always the same, the positive intention rice seemed to remain white, the other two, both the control group ignored rice and the negative emotions rice became black with mold after a month or so. And every day for that month, the people that did this experiment would say nice things to the positive rice, say negative things to the negative rice and repeated this for the length of the experiment brand handbags.
What I found fascinating is that the control group rice container, the one that was ignored, was always the first to go black, get moldy and so on. People did this experiment to show how intention can affect food cheap handbags
The results are unbelievable. And that is why you have to try this one out for yourself. Watch some videos on YouTube, read a few more articles, and yet...until you do it, you will not know. I did this, and the results were mind blowing. Intention really does affect food. Anyone can do this, you don't need an expensive lab or a micron microscope.
The Experiment:
Its easy. Get a pot and boil some rice. Then take 2 plastic containers and put a roughly equal amount of rice in each. Take one container and put it on a shelf, ignorecheap handbags online, forget about it. The other, put it on a shelf near you. Do your best to make sure both containers have the same lighting, temperature, and so on.
Then for the duration of the month, or however you want to carry this experiment on for, give the rice near you attention. Talk to handbags store. Say nice things to it. Thank it for being food. Write nice things on the container. Intend a lot of positive, thankful emotion.

