
ladies high heel-Fascist Policies

Franklin Roosevelt fascist policies prolonged a recovery from the 1930's depression until best ladies high heel was twice as long as any in history. The same policies that FDR tried and failed at are being carried out in Washington today. Just like President Obama blaming the economic problems on his predecessor, Roosevelt blamed Herbert Hoover ladies high heel. The truth is unemployment was still 20 percent in 1939, six years after Franklin Roosevelt was elected president. Fascism is when a leader gets control of the government, the military and the business infrastructure. Think Hitler and Mussolini.
Generations have been led to believe that Roosevelt's New Deal policies got the US out of the Great Depression. It's all myth and a false legend. In fact, he started us on the path to Keynesian socialism that is now top-heavy. We are probably right in the middle of the Greater Depression crash. famous high heel could be three times as large and three times as long as the 1930's depression according to author and deflationist, Robert Prechter. John Maynard Keynes preached that government could micro-manage the economy through stimulation, spending, investment, adjusting interest rates, adjusting tax rates, deficit spending, bailouts, borrowing and fiat money financing. An eighty year Kondratiev long wave world economic bubble was the result of the love affair with Keynesian economics. The Federal Reserve Bank cartel and monopoly was created in secret by the elitist Morgan and Rothchild families back in 1913. The value of the 1913 U.S best high heel discount. dollar is now down close to four cents. Fiat means "letit be made" in French, by the way. Aka inflation.
Socialism and communism never work. The socialist state is constantly creating counterfeit fiat paper money, spending too much, pushing tax rates higher, imposing rules and regulations limiting free enterprise, bank bailouts, bailing out companies, borrowing more than best high heel cheap brings in and fostering a welfare state that lets too many people live off the backs of the few citizens left working for real businesses. Eventually business people out of frustration give up trying. Then the bankers out of fear quit lending. Just like in the 1930's Great Depression. The same thing is going down now. In 2008 it got so bad banks wouldn't even lend to each other.

