
Designer Handbags Discount-Special Message

Today, as never before we are called to be the new Jonahs of the Old Testament and the new St. John the Baptists of the New Testament pleading with this fallen generation to repent.
Our Ministry has always been known the Good News Ministry designer handbags discount. We are not helpless and hopeless. In the light of all the darkness threatening the skies of our lives; there is a rainbow, a double rainbow representing the Lord and His Mother, a rainbow of promise and hope! Mother Mary is holding up Her Son's Arms and, as with Moses, as long as She is so doing, God will not mete out Justice.
But hear this and take it to your hearts, Our God of Mercy not allow the inhumanity that has pervaded our country and our world, swarming over and infecting everyone with whom handbags discount comes in contact, to continue.
There is little time; but there is time! We can make a difference. We must make a difference! If we will only turn back to the Lord Our God, the final price exacted, will not be disastrous. God is ready to embrace us, to take us back; to forgive us. He will allow us to refuse Him, to reject His Mercy, to turn our backs on Him, to go to hell if we insist. But one thing we can hold onto, and I guessdesigner handbags is the most painful to remember--it is so one-sided, is God's never ending love, forgiveness, and sacrifice for us, which began on the Cross.
Is that why the enemy of God, has misled pastors into ripping the crucified Lord from the Altars and replacing Him with fancy bars of gold and silver?
Are we emulating Judas when he sold Jesus out for thirty pieces of silver designer handbags cheap? Are we willing to let the enemies of the Cross strip the memory of the extent of pain and suffering Our Lord Jesus was willing to endure to prove how much He loves us.

