
Bags Wholesale- Mythical Golden Goose

America is the land of dreams, of potential, of opportunity. Unfortunately America has embraced a fantasy, succumbing to the illusion that one can in fact get "something for nothing." Our political leaders and well-healed elite have discovered the "golden goose" and are acting with maximum dispatch to exploit that fowl for all brand name bags is worth. The Fed is now creating money from nothing, as we, the complacent masses, arrogantly delude ourselves into thinking the house of cards can never crumble. Our political solution to a bankrupt state is to pile on more debt. Instead we should be steeling ourselves for the painful awakening ahead when that goose is cooked.
The expansion of government has seemingly relieved the people of responsibility for this debacle. The role relegated to the citizens is to patiently wait for the government's dole. While the wealthy manipulate politicians to secure their fortunes bags wholesale, the people dawdle on believing all is well. Having lived a generation or more under the auspices of a benevolent state continually expanding its patronage, how could we possibly be mislead by those we have empowered? The answer to this quandary rests in the question itself. We shield our eyes from the truth. Everyone benefits from the golden goose, so we choose to feed the fantasy bags wholesale online.
The privileged position of the United States, standard bearer of the world's reserve currency, has allowed us to propagate on an unsuspecting planet the greatest financial fiasco ever known. We have abdicated our national responsibility.brand name bags sale is only a matter of time until those that toil and save, sacrifice and dream call the ultimate consumers to task. Every bill comes due, and our day of reckoning draws near.
Creating money either on a prospect of expectant productivity, or by devaluing future prosperity sounds good in the moment - eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow who knows brand name bags wholesale. The alternative to printing money however, requires a regimen of fiscal discipline, shared sacrifice and cooperative effort. To ward off calamity we would have to reconstruct a failed system.

