
Handbags Discount -Beef and Not Just Grass Fed Beef

With the popularity of grass fed beef on the rise thanks to numerous books, movies and scientific studies, touting the health benefits and environmental benefits, it is important to understand the difference between grass fed and grass finished beef.
Grass fed beef costs more than it's grain fed counterpart, in part, due to the marketing of the health benefits of the beef and in larger part to the time and effort that raising the cattle requires. It is purported to have health benefits greater than grain fed beef. designer handbags discount the consumer is to be expected to pay the higher prices the consumer should be getting what they are paying for, including the perceived health benefits. This is why it is important for the consumer to understand that all grass fed beef is not necessarily grass finished.
The term grass fed has come to signify cattle that has been raised the way nature intended them to live. This is: foraging on pasture, eating healthy grasses their entire life handbags discount. Unfortunately not every cow that it marketed in this way has actually been raised that way.
Every cattle born is fed grass for the first five to seven months of their life. Therefore every cattle can be said to have been raised on grasses. After this grazing period, the majority of beef cattle are sent to feedlots where grain, not grass, becomes the staple of their diet. Some cattle, do not make this trip and continue their lives on pasture, with grass as their main diet staple designer handbags.
Of those cattle that remain on pasture, some are switched to grain in the last months of their life in order to fatten their body and give their meat the marbling the USDA uses to grade the beef. These cattle are referred to as grain finished.
Those cattle that remain on pasture, from birth to slaughter, are the true grass fed cattle and they now have their own term, more detailed and truthful than the catch all. This term is grass finished beef designer handbags cheap.
To summarize, there are three ways a beef cattle is raised after the initial five to seven month grass fed stage:

