
Girls Pumps-Your Three Brains

It all starts with your Brain Stem [Brain No 1], and is known as your Survival Brain. This is the lowest part of the brain, and the messenger between your upper brain and your spinal cord. This is here where your vital functions lie... balance, muscles, breathing, your heart and other vital organ functions and blood pressure and your reflexes like the movement of your eyes girls high heel.
It is also home to survival tactics, territorial behaviour, mating, defence strategy and the two big emotions: Anger and Fear. It is from here that you go into a state of alertness. This is the Fight of Flight decision maker of the Brain... and is called the Rambo Brain.
We then meet your Emotional Brain [Brain No 2], also called the Limbic Brain. This is the source of all your emotions, when you have an experience that requires emotions... sadness, happiness, joy, rage, pleasure and pain. girls pumps is also the keeper of all your emotional memories. It helps to determine your moods in given situations and also determines your creativity.
But the Limbic Brain can put you in very dangerous situations because it tends to make judgment calls without consulting with the master, the Neo-Cortex Brain. The Limbic Brain are very reluctant to share the power with the Neo-Cortex Brain girls boots.
Finally the Thinking Brain [Brain No 3], also called the Neo-Cortex Brain. This part of the brain are truly extraordinary... the intelligence that resides here is as endless as any dark hole in time. This brain distinguished Man from Animal. You learn, see, hear, think, imitate, talk, in fact all higher intelligence originates from the Neo-Cortex. This is also the teacher of our social behaviour such as 'Love and Forgiveness' girls on sale.
So, the Survival Brain controls the automatic functions, the Limbic Brain the emotional functions and the Neo-Cortex is the decision maker while trying to keep both the Survival Brain and the Limbic Brain happy.

