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Last Monday I placed a birthday call to my Aunt Louise who turned 95. We reminisced about a variety of things including the first time her husband asked her out on a date and the full wardrobe of handmade clothes she made for my Barbie dolls when I was a child - so detailed and fashionable that I never coveted the manufactured Barbie clothes advertised on TV best ladies high heel.
When I asked Aunt Louise what she was up to for her birthday, she commented that she had been quite busy doing a few chores around the house that morning and because of that she told herself she wasn't going to feel guilty if she needed a nap that afternoon. I teased her and said I certainly hoped I would be able to take guilt-free naps when I'm 95!
Before our call ended, Aunt Louise told me that she often asks God for "a little more time". Then she added with a giggle, "Am I being greedy?" I got off the phone feeling amazed and inspired by her candor, humor, and positive outlook on life ladies high heel.
Grateful and Going For It
I thought it remarkable that at age 95, Aunt Louise is eager to have another helping of life. I also understood her feeling a tad "greedy" for wanting more. Apparently this dare-I-ask-for-more question follows us throughout our lives famous high heel.
What I've noticed through coaching people in various situations is that in pursuing your goals and dreams, you will be required to acknowledge that best high heel discount okay to want what you want.
Some people will tell you that you're crazy for wanting more and that you should just be grateful for what you have. But does going for the next level in your life (however you define that) and being grateful have to be a contradiction? Absolutely not! In fact, your desire for more is something to be grateful for because it means you are open to all that life is offering you best high heel cheap.

